Get Real (2018-2020)
What does it mean to have a body – what does it mean to see bodies in our digital age? This work is an exploration of body images, body representation, voyeurism and desire in digital media: how do desires and falling in love with another person arise despite or because of the separation caused by a screen? How does the supposed impression of closeness and intimacy arise despite the separation caused by a screen? Image documents and statements from interviews from ‘Catfishing’ documentaries formed a basis of sources of inspiration from which portraits and classically suggestive nude studies were created. The pictures from private Facebook pages of strangers, party pictures, snapshots and pictures from Lamebook, the page of censored and sorted Facebook content, form the basis for pictures in which technique, composition, lightening and subject are reminiscent of classical oil paintings.
Paintings from this series were part of exhibitions such as “No Time To Pretend” at the Whart Gallery in Toulouse 2018, “Profiles” Pavillon Blanc in Colomiers and “Debourderouge” at the Maison Salvan 2019.