Les Femmes Tondues (2016-2018)
Historically, the female body has been a venue for political power struggles and demonstrations of power. The following series has its origins in a series of photographic images and videos showing the so-called ‘femmes tondues’, women who were shorn bald and publicly exposed during the liberation because of their contact with German soldiers. The reason for the examination of the ‘shorn women’ was a three-month residency, which revolved around regional and emotional visual memory, in the studios of Plessix-Madeuc near Dinan, in Brittany. The following images were created after a conversation with an elderly lady who remembered her older 24-year-old cousin who was executed for an alleged love affair with a German soldier.
This project was supported by the DRAC (Art Fund of the City of Toulouse) and was shown in the exhibition ‘Ombres blanches’ at the Abbaye de St.Victoire in Brittany and in the exhibition ‘De-borderouge’ at the urban cultural center Maison Salvan in Labege, Occitanie 2018 under the curation of Paul de Sorbier. The series was also part of the exhibitions: “Nuit des Arts” / Parcours des Arts 2018” under curation of Celine Kopp at La Friche de Belle de Mai, in Marseille in June 2018 and the exhibition ‘RAW Kollektivkultur’ under curation of Käthe Bauer at the Neurotitan Gallery in the Schwarzenbach Villa in Berlin in February 2020.